Thursday, July 31, 2008

Act like a lady!

I know that's saying a lot coming from me but for serious ladies...there are rules in the gym locker room. Follow them.
  • Take a FAST shower. You don't need 40 minutes in a public shower stall.
  • Do not hock up loogies in the shower and try and spit them down the drain. Everyone knows those drains don't work. And if you are hocking shit up, then you are probably peeing in the shower too, so stop.
  • Walk to your things wrapped in a towel, not with all your lady parts exposed and flapping around.
  • Put on your underwear asap. No one needs to blowdry their hair naked. You are not at home.
  • Put on your lotion quickly. You don't need to rehearse for your porno shoot by lotioning up for 30 minutes.
  • Do not sit down on a bench with no underwears on. Have you seen the person before you put their foot up on that bench to lotion themselves up porn style? Now you are sitting in it.
  • Do not clip toenails or fingernails and DO NOT pull out a huge skin file and file down a corn or bunion and leave all the shavings on the ground.
  • Number one, most important...DO NOT STARE!

Please girls!! Let's act like ladies in the locker room.

1 comment:

Allie Cupcake said...

my fave:
Put on your underwear asap. No one needs to blowdry their hair naked. You are not at home.

lol so true harden so true