Friday, January 18, 2008

even an end has a start

Thursday night I went to Terminal 5 to see Hot Hot Heat and Editors. Some band called Louis XIV went on first. They were ok. All the songs sounded alike and they were dressed sort of silly, like wild west.

Hot Hot Heat was soooo disappointing. I've loved them for years. I know they are cheesy but they're catchy. The lead singer weighs about 95 pounds soaking wet and he has a full afro looking head of reddish hair. He looked like a cross between Justin Guarini and Carrot Top. He ruined it for me. He was bopping that hair around and hopping all over the stage like a retarded bunny. And his voice is distinct enough, he was trying all this weird stuff. It just didn't work. To quote Allison, "They sound like they would be played in Abercrombie." I think she's right. See afro below:

But then the Editors came on and they ruled. They opened with Bones, then All Sparks, End Has a Start. They had awesome lighting (and I've seen some shitty light shows, in my day...), the leader singer was way cute and had tons of energy. When I listen to them on my Ipod, I've never thought about Coldplay but at the show they definitely reminded me of Coldplay, in a good way, in a BETTER WAY. None of Chris Martin's angst ridden crap show antics. What the fuck does he have to cry about? Anyay, the lead singer switches back his guiar and plays the piano. The light thing they had going on ruled. I didn't realize how much I played their albums until I sang every word to every song. I guess I love them.

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