Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 19

I didn't take any pictures today so here is a picture of Nik looking

Today we rode about 40 miles from Tugman State Park to Bullards Beach
State Park. We took a scenic byway called Seven Devils Road. There
must have been a race on the road because all 7 hills on the road were
marked, Devil #1, etc. It was a hard road! I like to use the granny
gear once every couple days, it keeps me humble. It was good climbing.

When we got to Bullard Beach, the Ranger told us that Bandon (where
the cranberry festival was going on) was a 2 mile walk. After an hour
of walking on the 101, we realized that it wasn't 2 miles and by the
time we got there the Cranberry Festival was over. So we had Mexican
food and went to a bar! And called a cab back to the campground. It
was a huge minivan driven by a lady named Charlene and it was $6!

We're about 100 miles from the California border, I think we'll get
halfway there tomorrow.


Elizabeth@TwinCore said...

Hey there - it's Trish's sister Elizabeth. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to chronicle all your adventures :) It's really nice to read up on how your guys are doing!

Unknown said...

YAY! Almost to CA!!! How exciting. I miss you so much. I ran a 4 mile race yesterday (first since being injured, marathon, etc) and thought "Erin wouldn't take this. PUSH" and I had a GREAT race - my second best, ever. Thanks to my motivational friend....
